
Introducing NEW Ziggi’s Energy & Ziggi’s Energy Zero Sugar
Introducing NEW Ziggi’s Energy & Ziggi’s Energy Zero Sugar blog image
General - Feb 13th, 2023, Posted By Ziggis Coffee | 0

We are excited to share that we are launching our very own energy drink! Introducing Ziggi’s Energy and Ziggi’s Energy Zero Sugar – this new product will replace Red Bull in our current Energy Infusions, and we can't wait for you to try our new recipes.  

This change not only provides our customers with a custom flavor profile, but also allows us increased flexibility with how our drinks are prepared to provide a wide variety of sizes to enjoy. You can now order an iced or frozen Energy Infusion in any cold drink size, 16-, 20-, 24- or 32oz.  

This is a rolling change, so some Ziggi’s locations may have our new Ziggi’s Energy and Ziggi’s Energy Zero Sugar while others do not. Not to worry, very soon all Ziggi’s locations will make the switch and you can enjoy the delicious flavor of our custom energy drink at every Ziggi’s throughout the nation. 

Stop by and try your favorite Energy Infusions and discover how our new energy drink complements every unique flavor!  

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